Sammy’s Adventures 2 ( Titra Shqip)
Ende për Samin dhe Rein që mbeten shokë të përjetshëm s’kanë nbaruar aventurat. Tashmë ata janë gjyshër dhe nipërit e tyre, Riki dhe Ella hasin rreziqe të medha duke ndihmuar gjyshërit e tyre ndërkohë kur ata u kapen nga disa peshkatarë të paligjshëm dhe u izoluan në një akuarium të madh nën ujë.
Sammy and Ray, leatherback turtles and friends forever, are enjoying an atoll's water and sand, shepherding new hatchlings Ricky and Ella out to sea. Suddenly, a poacher swoops in and ships them off to be part of a spectacular aquarium show for tourists in Dubai. The kingpin of the place, Big D the seahorse, enlists them in his plans for a great escape. But with their new friends Jimbo the bug-eyed blob fish and Lulu the snippy lobster, Annabel the sweet Octopus, and a whole family of penguins, Sammy and Ray hatch breakout plans of their own. That is when little Ricky and Ella arrive, determined to break in to rescue them. After a series of thrilling adventures and narrow escapes, our heroes head south to meet up with Shelly, Sammy's first and only love.
Dredd (2012) Titra Shqip
In a violent, futuristic city where the police have the authority to act as judge, jury and executioner, a cop teams with a trainee to take down a gang that deals the reality-altering drug, SLO-MO.
Resident Evil Retribution 2012 (Titra Shqip)
Eliza lufton së bashku me lëvizjen e rezistencës në betejën e vazhdueshme kundër Korporatës “Ombrella” dhe të pavdekshmit.
Alice fights alongside a resistance movement in the continuing battle against the Umbrella Corporation and the undead.
Prometheus (Titra Shqip)
A team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race.
Një ekip hulumtuesish ka zbuluar një çelës për origjinën e njerëzimit në Tokë, dhe nisen për një udhëtim në qoshet e errëta të universit. Atje, ata duhet të luftojnë një betejë të tmerrshme për të shpëtuar të ardhmen e racës njerëzore.
Arrow S01E09 (Titra Shqip)
Pas një aksidenti me anije, miliarderi Oliver Kuin humbi kontaktet duke u menduar i vdekur për 5 vite përpara se të gjendej në një ishull shumë të largët në Oqeanin Paqësor. Kur kthehet në shtëpi të gjithë vënë re se diçka ka ndryshuar tek ai.
After a violent shipwreck, billionaire playboy Oliver Queen was missing and presumed dead for five years before being discovered alive on a remote island in the Pacific. When he returns home to Starling City, his devoted mother Moira, much-beloved sister Thea, and best friend Tommy welcome him home, but they sense Oliver has been changed by his ordeal on the island. While Oliver hides the truth about the man he's become, he desperately wants to make amends for the actions he took as the boy he was. Most particularly, he seeks reconciliation with his former girlfriend, Laurel Lance. As Oliver reconnects with those closest to him, he secretly creates the main character of Arrow - a vigilant to right the wrongs of his family, fight the ills of society, and restore Starling City to its former glory. By day, Oliver plays the role of a wealthy, carefree and careless philanderer he used to be - flanked by his devoted chauffeur/bodyguard, John Diggle - while carefully concealing the secret identity he turns to under cover of darkness. However, Laurel's father, Detective Quentin Lance, is determined to arrest the vigilante operating in his city. Meanwhile, Oliver's own mother, Moira, knows much more about the deadly shipwreck than she has let on and is more ruthless than he could ever imagine.
The Vampire Diaries S04E09 (Titra Shqip)
Elena zgjohet nga zhurma të forta, monstra, zile, zogj. Konflikte të shumta ka në shtëpinë Salvatore ndërkohë që Këshilli kundër vampirëve po i ndjek nga pas.